Cancel your membership.

Cancellations: If you have reached the minimum term of your Club membership you may give Valid Notice to cancel your membership. Please complete the below form or send an email to to provide Valid Notice.

Upon receipt of Valid Notice, your 30-day cancellation notice period will commence. Ordinarily we find that there would be one final billing date for a final full month of membership in this 30 day period (as set out in our Terms & Conditions). A TBLDN team member will respond to a Valid Notice (usually no later than 72 hours from receipt) to confirm receipt of your notice, your final billing date and final use of gym date.

Let’s not be too hasty! Did you know that you can freeze your membership for up to three months (in every 12 month membership period)? If you’re looking to pause your membership temporarily, let us know and we will freeze your membership instead!

If you’re pretty set on leaving us, please kindly complete the Cancellation Form below.